• Russell Street School

    Empower, Enrich, Excel

    Our vision.

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  • Russell Street School


    Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi. With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.

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  • Russell Street School


    Mā te huruhuru ka rere te manu. Adorn the bird with feathers so it may soar.

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  • Russell Street School


    Whāia e koe te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe, me he maunga teitei. Pursue excellence – should you stumble, let it be to a lofty mountain.

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  • Russell Street School


    At RSS, every whānau have whakapapa, beliefs and stories that they share which help them make positive connections with other people and their environment. Kia mau ki ngā kupu o ou tupuna - Hold fast to the words of our ancestors.

    Read more about our values.


At Russell Street School, Empower means giving learners the skills and knowledge they need to reach their goals and chase their dreams. It's about making sure everyone feels proud of who they are, where they come from...


At Russell Street School, Enrich means making our school environment and approaches to learning really awesome for our learners so they are inspired to learn and become even better at what they love to do and what they need to know...


At Russell Street School, Excel means our learners are doing their very best and getting better at something little by little, like when they practice a sport or a hobby and keep getting better each time they try...

Ngā Uaratanga

Values are deeply held beliefs about what is important or desirable. They are expressed through the ways in which we think and act. Our values refer to what we want children to know about, show or demonstrate in their learning and relationships...

Russell Street School



Russell Street School is centered in the Hospital area of Palmerston North. Apart from the commercial properties along Tremaine Avenue and the Hospital, the school is the largest building and the only open green area available for recreation.

Physically the school is unique. Most buildings have been extensively remodelled. The main block is villa styled. It is situated on a split level site with substantial all weather playing areas in the front of the school.

The school and grounds are used extensively by the public. Apart from the classroom spaces there are a range of other facilities available for school and the public to use, including the learning resource centre (hub/library), hall, swimming pool, playground, scooter track and staffroom.

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Everything you need to know about joining the team at Russell St.

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Enrolment FAQs

Everything you need to know about enrolling at Russell Street School - it's all here.

Enrolment Zone

In order to avoid overcrowding, or the likelihood of overcrowding, Russell Street School Board of Trustees have an enrolment scheme in place. Under this scheme, students will be enrolled if they live within the home zone.

Transition to School

Our aim is for your child’s start at school to be positive and exciting. We want them to feel safe and happy right from the start.