Enrolment at Russell Street School is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available from the school office or on the school web site. The board has determined that up to 32 places are likely to be available for out-of- zone students next year. The exact number of places will depend on the number of applications received from students who live within the school’s home zone.

Next year there will be four enrolment periods. The first enrolment period is for Term 1, 2025 (30 January – 11 April) and runs from the first day of school in the new year to the last day of Term 1.

For students seeking enrolment within the first enrolment period, the deadline for receipt of applications for out-of-zone places is September 19, 2024. Parents of students who live within the home zone and intend enrolling their child at any time during the next year should notify the school by September 19, 2024 to assist the school to plan appropriately for next year. Pre-enrolments can be made online via the school website.

If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If a ballot for out-of-zone places is required, it will be held on September 20, 2024. Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within three school days of the ballot being held.

Details relating to the 2nd enrolment period are as follows.

  • Length of enrolment period: Term 2, 2025 (28 April  – 27 June)
  • Deadline for receipt of applications: 13 February
  • Date of ballot: 14 February

Details relating to the 3rd enrolment period are as follows.

  • Length of enrolment period: Term 3, 2025 (14 July – 19 September)
  • Deadline for receipt of applications: 8 May
  • Date of ballot: 9 May

Details relating to the 4th enrolment period are as follows.

  • Length of enrolment period: Term 4, 2025 (6 October – 17 December)
  • Deadline for receipt of applications: 24 July
  • Date of ballot: 25 July