Putting you in the know for the start of the 2025 year.

Key Dates

When What Notes
Tuesday 28th January Kōrero MaiPoutokomanawa (Meet the Learner) conferences More info below. Please note you only attend school for the time of your conference. We expect all students to have a conference.
Wednesday 29th January Teacher Only Day School closed.
Thursday 30th January Kōrero MaiAll Classes (Meet the Learner) conferences More info below. Please note you only attend school for the time of your conference.We expect all students to have a conference.
Friday 31st January Kōrero MaiAll Classes (Meet the Learner) conferences More info below. Please note you only attend school for the time of your conference.We expect all students to have a conference.
Monday 3rd February Everyone at School First day of classes for everyone from 8:55am. Pōwhiri @ 9am to welcome all new kaimahi (staff), ākonga (learners), and whānau (families).
Thursday 6th February Waitangi Day School Closed
Friday 7th January Teacher Only Day School Closed

Class Placements

2025 class placement information (what child your class is in and who their teacher is) was communicated through our school app HERO. Need to connect to HERO? Find out how here.

N.B. If you are a new student/family to RSS, you are not able to access HERO until your child has started school. This information will be emailed to you.

Pōwhiri for all new Children and Parents

We always start the new school year with a full school pōwhiri to welcome all of our new kaimahi (staff), ākonga (learners), and whānau (families) to our school. This will take place shortly after 9am on Monday 3rd of February. Everyone is welcome.

New Parent & Whānau Induction Meeting

Immediately after our Pōwhiri we invite all parents and whānau to the staffroom for some kai (food) and a cup of tea. When we have finished out kai we run an information packed session for new families and answer any question you have about our school.

Kōrero Mai (Meet the Learner) Conferences

These are all set to go for the 30th/31st Jan, 2025 (and the 28th for Poutokomanawa). You will need to book a slot for your child/ren on either day. The time slots are at 10am-4pm on Thursday and 9-3pm on the Tuesday and Friday. Bookings are made in the Hero app or in Hero online. You will receive a notification when bookings are open.

If you are new to RSS or not yet connected to Hero, please contact your child’s teacher, or phone the school office, to book in your Kōrero Mai.

As part of the conference we expect your input. We have a genuine interest in what you have to say. The role of the teacher is to listen to you and your child.

Your child’s teacher will have some questions for you (parents and whānau) in relation to your child and the year ahead at RSS. Don’t worry, there are no right or wrong answers, it is about getting to know you and your expectations for the year ahead.

Don’t forget too, every child needs to bring along 3 artefacts (items) that are important to them that will help the teacher learn more about your child and their interests and passions. For example; favourite toy, book, movie or game; photo, trophy, sport, hobby etc – there is no right or wrong here either).

School Stationery

We are super excited to have teamed up with the heroes at Warehouse Stationery again for our 2025 stationery requirements, helping make stationery ordering a breeze by seamlessly integrating with the Hero Parent App!

Soon, you will see the new ‘Order Stationery’ icon appear on the landing page of your Hero App. This will direct you straight to your child’s school stationery list for 2025.

Stationery list orders can be made at any time, however to get the best deals, Warehouse Stationery’s Back-to-School pricing will go live on 1st January 2025, with both delivery and click and collect options available.

Not connected to Hero yet? Just head to the Warehouse Stationery website, search for Russell Street School and your child’s class.

Remember, while we are partnering with Warehouse Stationery, you can purchase the items from any retailer. Remember too, only buy what you need and don’t already have e.g. if your child has a reading folder, or pens and pencils etc there is no need to buy more!

School Apps

Hero: School wide notices, events calendar, student absences, permission slips etc will be part of the Hero app. HERO is also your go to app for reporting progress on learning, booking conferences and class placements. Need to connect to Hero? Find out how here.

Seesaw: Day to day learning posts and reminders will continue to be communicated through the Seesaw Family app. Your child’s teacher will provide you with a QR Code login to your child’s Seesaw account, or send an email invitation.

myKindo: You will also need to have the myKindo app on your phone, or access your myKindo account via the web. Kindo is the platform you use for all student related finances and payments from sausage sizzles, sports teams and  to school donations. Find out more here.


School hats are compulsory in Term 1 & Term 4. Any bucket hat is acceptable. There are no other uniform requirements.

School Lunches

You can buy lunch for your child through the Ezlunch service (part of myKindo). Need myKindo? Get sorted here. Lunch can be purchased for Wednesday and Friday each week.

  • Wednesday – Subway
  • Friday – Pita Pit


Your child’s class will have 2-3 swimming sessions each week. Your child’s teacher will share their weekly swimming timetable with you. Pool keys are also available to purchase over the summer holiday break. Inquire at the school office if you are interested.

If you have any questions or need some help just get in touch with your child’s teacher. Email is the best way to connect with them. Email address are on the Staff page on our website.