Russell Street School is centered in the Hospital area of Palmerston North. Apart from the commercial properties along Tremaine Avenue and the Hospital, the school is the largest building and the only open green area available for recreation.
Physically the school is unique. Most buildings have been extensively remodelled. The main block is villa styled. It is situated on a split level site with substantial all weather playing areas in the front of the school.
The school and grounds are used extensively by the public. Apart from the classroom spaces there are a range of other facilities available for school and the public to use, including the learning resource centre (hub/library), hall, swimming pool, playground, scooter track and staffroom.
The majority of our children live within the immediate neighbourhood bounded by Grey Street, North Street, Tremaine Avenue and Ruahine Street i.e. the school zone. It is seen as a safe and desirable place to bring up a family. The families within our neighbourhood are characterised by being increasing diverse including 11% Māori, 4% Indian, 3% and 64% NZ European. We have a stable roll, a robust waiting list for out of zone children and very few transient children.
Our families and the school have high expectations of success, value education and is very supportive of school activities. With children who are generally healthy and engaged, teachers are able to focus on learning. The school provides a range of creative, extracurricular activities and learning support programmes both within school hours and out of school.
The relationship between school and our parents is crucial. They are widely consulted and are informed of school activities. Parents take an active interest in the school and are visible in a range of activities both in and outside the classroom. A sense of family and community is an important aspect of Russell Street School.
There are a host of experiences that Russell Street School can offer your child.
- A recently renovated, very well resourced school providing optimum learning conditions for your child
- Skilled, professional staff who keep current with educational developments e.g. Inquiry, elearning, metacognitive thinking strategies & other curriculum development.
- A consistent, communicative staff who effectively personalise learning.
- Authentic use of technologies to support and develop learning opportunities, including 3D printing, robotics, computers, iPads/iPods and a host of other technologies.
- Continuing development of a system of planning and assessment using specific learning outcomes and regular reporting to parents.
- Opportunities to compete with other schools e.g. Mathex, sports
- Extra curricular activities eg. T ball, touch rugby, netball, hockey, flipper-ball, cricket, drama, band and Kapa Haka.
- Special needs programmes for children who need additional support with their learning and for gifted and talented children.
- Out of school experiences to enrich learning.
- A well developed behavioural management system that supports students to make responsible choices.
- Reading Recovery
- Soundworks (learn any instrument) and a specialist part-time music teacher for all classes.
- A strategic focus on improving participation and skill in sport.